Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Today Avery begins her reading adventure

Dear Avery,

I just received a call from Hanna, an assistant teacher at your preschool, telling me the wonderful news that you have begun working with the moveable alphabet. You are sitting next to the large mat writing words such as "cat" and "sat". When Miss Hanna called me, I got tears in my eyes just imagining you reaching this milestone and knowing that you are officially embarking on your reading journey. It is a wonderful journey. And one that I have known would start any day now. I prepared some reading games for you awhile ago and we have been practicing "reading" for a few months now during our afternoon snacks-- and recently things have become very exciting. Three months ago, you matched simple words to pictures by sounding out the first few letters. And a month ago, you sounded out and read your first three letter phonetic words with picture clues. Last week, while taking your babies on a picnic with me, you found, sounded out and then read "on" and "us" on a sign all by yourself. And sometimes during play you will say a word and then figure out the letters that it is made of ("pirate. P! I! R! T!").

But, at school, you have seemed a little daunted and hesitant by the moveable alphabet and some of the more advanced reading games. So, your teacher and I have let you go at your own pace, knowing that you would know best when you were ready. And, today you were. Avery, I feel so excited for you and proud of you. You love looking at books and listening to stories. You love to be read to. Today you really start your journey on learning to read all by yourself. Soon you will have the freedom to read whenever you want to-- free from waiting your turn or waiting for someone to finish a chore to sit down and read. Seeing the light of recognition in your eyes as you see the letters turn into words is amazing. This must feel so very wonderful to you. I am so happy for you, sweet girl. Reading is a wonderful, life-opening journey. Congratulations!
